A Trustees wish list

Katie Strong, senior staff attorney
- Sleep
- Lots and lots of snow.
- Some quiet time by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate and a dog curled up at my feet.
- And sleep. Lots of sleep.

Bridget Psarianos, staff attorney
My holiday wish is to become a great banjo player without regular practice, which I’ve “tried” to do for years without success. Maybe 2020 will finally be the year!

Heidi Helling, legal assistant
- Colder winter temperatures for Anchorage!
- And, that no one is the recipient of North Korea’s Christmas gift.

Rachel Briggs, legal fellow
-good coffee
-clear days
-new hiking boots

Maresa Jenson, legal fellow
- All the records from Trustees’ FOIA requests
- Powder turns
- Pie offered at unexpected times

Vicki Clark, executive director
That money grew on trees to fund the forces for good in the world.
That justice was truly blind….color blind.
That respect was universally known, felt, and practiced.
That we could eat as many carbs as we want and not gain weight!

Suzanne Bostrom, staff attorney
- Momentum for change in this country
- Time with family and friends
- Travel tips for where to go, what to eat, and what to do in the coming year

Ashley Boyd, office manager
All I want for Christmas is for Vicki to make me homemade pasta!

Tracy Lohman, development director
- A ban on plastic bottles;
- The ability to turn water into a decent wine in an eco-friendly box;
- A long extended vacation to Madagascar to see lemurs; and
- And a small grey kitten to cuddle on cold winter days.

Dawnell Smith, communications director
A mine-free Bristol Bay. A drill-free Arctic Refuge. A tweet-free Fourth Estate. And time with the people and creatures I love.

Valerie Brown, legal director
I wish for 100% voter registration and turnout in 2020.

Brian Litmans, senior staff attorney
Lots and lots of snow all winter long.

Brook and Della’s wish list
- Deep powder and blue bird days; and
- Adventures with family and friends.