Extern Kendall Hamilton Reflects on Time with Trustees
Externs provide critical legal support to Trustees at the same time as they gain valuable on the ground legal experience and school credit. Kendall Hamilton externed with Trustees for Alaska from January to April 2016
Kendall Hamilton (University of Washington School of Law)
Externing for Trustees for Alaska was the perfect capstone to my last year of law school. I learned skills that I could not get from a law school textbook or classroom. Through each project, I learned about a new area of substantive law. I also learned about unique environmental issues in Alaska and Alaska-specific federal laws, such as the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. My legal research skills improved and I gained the ability to translate that research into practical client advice. Trustees also made sure to give me opportunities to develop skills I will need as a new attorney. I was surprised and honored that Trustees even let me present results of a research project directly to a client. By doing so, I gained confidence and learned how to communicate legal concepts in a clear and concise way. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to assist with Trustees’ work on climate change, protecting Alaska’s Arctic, and protecting public lands and wildlife.

Kendall enjoyed many outings to experience Alaska. Here she is snowshoeing in Denali State Park with the Alaska Range in the background. Photo courtesy of Kendall Hamilton.
While serving as an extern, I also had the opportunity explore some of the great public lands Alaska has to offer. I was amazed at the size and number of trails in the Chugach National Forest, the beauty of the stars and the northern lights north towards Mount Denali, and the jaw dropping coastline of Turnagain Arm. The city of Anchorage itself also surprised me with its countless parks, biking and hiking trails, and frozen lakes fit for ice skating.
Working with Trustees and seeing firsthand the beauty of Alaska, gave me an understanding of how incredibly important Trustees’ work is. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to assist with their work, to explore Alaska, and to be inspired by the dedication Trustees attorneys bring to their work protecting Alaska. Following my externship, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to remain in Alaska and will be serving as a law clerk here in the fall. My externship at Trustees gave me a great introduction to Alaska law and has left me with many practical skills that will help me succeed as a law clerk and a new attorney. I am very thankful for my externship experience with Trustees and excited to begin my legal career here in Alaska!
Look for our 2017 intern and extern recruitment announcement in late summer/early fall 2016.