Jim Stratton Joins the Board of Directors
Please join the Board of Directors in welcoming Jim Stratton to their ranks. He brings a wealth of knowledge about conservation in Alaska and about nonprofit governance. Jim recently retired from the National Parks Conservation Association, one of Trustees’ clients in several of our legal cases, so he’s well-versed in what we do.
When asked what his inspiration was for joining the Board, he said:
“Some of my earliest memories are camping with my family on Mt. Adams in Washington and being so enamored by what I now understand is wilderness. Back then, it was just a really cool playground for a little kid that included trees, streams, lakes, fish, meadows and mountains!! So growing up with the mountains as our weekend getaway, it wasn’t too far a stretch to make protecting such places my life’s work. I have been blessed with a 35-plus-year career (so far) in Alaska working to make wild places both protected and accessible, for without people enjoying the wilderness, you cannot expect to have wilderness defenders. And along the way I learned that without lawyers to help you protect these places, it was an even steeper up-hill battle. Litigation in protection of wild places levels the playing field and gives us a seat at the table where important decisions are made about the future of our wild places. Trustees for Alaska makes certain that protectors of wild places are taken seriously.”
In addition to volunteering with Trustees, Jim produces and hosts the Arctic Cactus Hour radio show on Saturday nights on KNBA. He regularly tries to add to his North American bird list (approaching 650), and he loves to travel and see the world.