March 2013 - Alaska Brief - Environmental Newsletter
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March 2013 Legal Brief Newsletter


I used to enjoy seeing beluga whales frolicking in
the waters of Cook Inlet from my office window.
Now that formerly frequent and welcome sight is a
rarity throughout these waters.

This front row seat view provides me with a direct
glimpse into the impacts that climate change and
other factors are having on Alaska’s landscape, its
waters, its wildlife and its people.

Just across the inlet that these beluga whales call
home, the proposed Chuitna coal project would
allow strip mining through 11 miles of a thriving
salmon stream. If developed, this mine poses a
very real and serious threat to water quality, salmon
habitat, and the very existence of the region’s
already drastically depleted Cook Inlet beluga
whale population. On a broader scale, continuing to
mine and burn fossil fuels as dirty as coal can only
speed us to the tipping point beyond which the accelerating
and disastrous effects of climate change
cannot be reversed.

That is why our team at Trustees for Alaska is using
all of its legal muscle to challenge this shortsighted
project. We are encouraging public input
from all concerned stakeholders, and especially
from the people who directly rely upon the wild
salmon and other resources that would be threatened
by Chuitna.

Read more in this latest issue of Legal Brief about
our fight against this project and our continued efforts
to see that the State of Alaska abandons its
rubber stamp approach to industrial permitting and
instead fulfills its duty to provide concerned citizens
with meaningful opportunities to voice their concerns.

Your help is still needed so we can continue our
work to protect Alaska. Please join us by visiting
our website ( and Donate
Now so that we can keep the priorities of our clients
at the forefront of these important legal battles.

Thank you!
Trish Rolfe, Executive Director

Download to read the March 2013 Legal Brief

March 2013 Environmental Newsletter

11 Million Acres of Important Wildlife Habitat Protected: Trustees for Alaska Applauds This Decision

Cook Inlet Belugas Struggle to Recover: Recovery Threatened by Multiple Industrial Development Projects in Cook Inlet

Trustees for Alaska Seeks Common Sense Rule from State of Alaska to Protect Wild Salmon
