Speak out now to protect Bristol Bay from the Pebble mine
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turned its back on Bristol Bay this month by moving to scrap protections for the region’s thriving communities and fisheries. Alaskans need to speak out now to protect Bristol Bay to keep toxic mining waste out of a vibrant watershed.
The residents of Bristol Bay have made it clear they oppose the Pebble mine and will defend their salmon, way of life, livelihoods and cultures. Many reasons for defending Bristol Bay center on the vitality of the watershed and the largest wild sockeye salmon fishery in the world.
The EPA’s own 2014 Proposed Determination and watershed assessment agree the proposed Pebble mine would be catastrophic to Bristol Bay’s salmon and communities, yet the agency now wants to nix the protections it previously recommended. EPA wants to ignore science and millions of public comments to pander to a foreign mining company.
Speaking out makes a difference
In our work for clients in Bristol Bay, Trustees defended the right of Alaskans to have a say in what happens in their communities and state. The Alaska Supreme Court agreed.
When given a chance to tell EPA how they felt about Pebble, hundreds of Alaskans in Bristol Bay responded, and thousands of Alaskans followed suit. Those comments supported protections for Bristol Bay. Now the EPA wants to nix the safeguards Bristol Bay residents demanded.
SUBHEAD: We can’t be silenced
Don’t forget that the foreign company Northern Dynasty, known in Alaska as Pebble Limited Partnership, tried to silence dozens of people opposed to the Pebble mine. We defended several Alaskans in court. The federal judge found Pebble’s attempt to access private communications “totally unreasonable.”
Why? Because the right to speak out is essential to our democracy. More importantly, it is an essential and legally required part of agency decision making.

Fishing defines Bristol Bay, home to the largest wild sockeye salmon fishery in the world. (Photo by Donald Bland).
It’s time to speak out again
Alaskans and Americans have 90 days to tell the EPA NOT to withdraw the July 2014 Clean Water Act Proposed Determination. Speak out now to protect Bristol Bay.
Make your voice heard today! You can contact the EPA directly and tell them to protect Bristol Bay by NOT withdrawing the proposed determination, or simply add your name to any of these letters and petitions: