Chuitna EIS Delayed The Army Corps delays the Chuitna EIS due to the incomplete application... 11 May, 2016
Final Hearing on Water for Salmon Final hearing set for precedent setting water reservation applications to preserve water... 04 August, 2015
Beluga Resident Fights Dirty Coal CLIENT PERSPECTIVE: Judy Heilman, member of the Chuitna Citizens Coalition, shares her... 13 March, 2015
Water for Salmon, Not Coal Middle Creek, an important salmon spawning tributary of the Chuitna River in... 23 February, 2015
Protecting Salmon Streams from Chuitna Coal Mine At the headwaters of a tributary to the Chuitna River, called Middle... 09 February, 2015
Court Agrees State of Alaska Not Protecting Chuitna Salmon [caption id="attachment_3837" align="alignright" width="290"] Chuitna River photo courtesy of Danion Brook Kintz.[/caption] In... 28 February, 2013