Court tells state to act on water rights An Alaska Superior Court Judge ruled last week that the State of... 15 May, 2018
Chuitna Water Reservation Challenged Chuitna Citizens Coalition’s water reservation is being challenged. PacRim continues its permit... 11 April, 2016
2015 Conservation Victories: The Year in Review Trustees for Alaska achieved many victories for conservation during 2015 including protection... 23 December, 2015
Mixed Victory for Salmon on the Chuitna River Chuitna Citizens Coalition was granted one of its three requested water rights... 07 October, 2015
Beluga Resident Fights Dirty Coal CLIENT PERSPECTIVE: Judy Heilman, member of the Chuitna Citizens Coalition, shares her... 13 March, 2015
Water for Salmon, Not Coal Middle Creek, an important salmon spawning tributary of the Chuitna River in... 23 February, 2015